Come on in

The downstairs room just off the left side of the entrance 'hall', with 3 huge panel-backed posters of Rosemary (the mouse, of course!)

There's a small papertole (not in photo) of her on the opposite of the room.

That's a country buffet cupboard full of items collected from garage sales and flea market visits.

The living room is beyond those "ping-pahng" or saloon doors (above left) carted all the way 40 years ago from a Wife's uncle's house in Penang.

The next photo (above right) was taken from the living room side of those swing doors. See the little cupboard against wall? Still waiting its distressed paint job from Penny.

Among the stuff sitting on it is a cabbage patch doll bought for $12 at a Perth flea mart.

Here's a close-up shot (left), but it's more fun to click on photo above and zoom in and search.

That's (above right) a longish papertole hanging centrally on the wall. It was made from 4 kids' height measuring posters (they're very narrow pictures).

The shot of an enlarged bit (left) doesn't do the tole justice, as it was one of my better pieces of work.

A wall-full of papertole (left).

The clock's not one of them.

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