Lots more stuff in the living room and balcony

Not a big deal, this wall, or photo - just snapping lots of pics.

The old oil lamp and inca idol from Perth and Mexican exhibit at Epcot Centre respectively were located to deny Leia's rabbits when free-roaming access to rear of furniture where they chew on AV cables and wires.

The old Panasonic, still in excellent condition after >10 years , is standing its ground against replacement by an LCD tv.

Anyhow, I don't want anything smaller than this (50") and I find that the new wide screens distort images into short and fat ones.

That's a whole menagerie of dragons from UK, US, NZ and Oz.

Half a wall of papertole in frames.

Leia did a couple of miniature Anton Peck's.

The huge one was made from fantasy posters while the long ones (one is partly cut off) were from postcards (of the Oz tropical forests).

If you click to enalrge the pic, you can also see one made from a set of bookmarks.

Three doors to storage under the stairs.

There are 6 animals in this photo (left) - dog, frog, cat, tortoise, elephant and a dinosaur!

Cat bought at a garage sale for $2 in Perth the dog from Covent Garden, London and the dinosaur from a shop in Tanjong Katong Shopping Centre.

This is a view of a part of the balcony which gets the western sun and with the added windows and roof-over , is pretty hot in the daytime.

Loads of stuff in photo, including more of the little dinosaurs.

That dragon urn is being fed with aircon condensate via the red coloured hose. Water for our potted plants.

There are a few critters on the window sill.

A witch and a castle. Not clear. Will add additional photos in future.

The dinosaurs - 6 in the red ceramic ashtry in a fishbowl, and 2 in a hug.

1 comment:

Pool Installation Whittier said...

Thanks for the postt