Garden before makeover

This was taken in Feb 2004, before the garden makeover. Taken from rear of garage. The palms are from rear neighbour's backyard. There were 8 along our common boundary frnce !! They drop small messy flowers and seeds which germinate easily but slowly in our property. The palm fronds drooop very low and we could standing on our feet reach up and tarek them! They drop when dead; dangerous! The leaflets from the palm fronds cause chokage to roof gutters and downpipe, requiring constant removals. Once we didn't clear them and they choked water flow in winter so badly that gutters overflowed and sogged up ceilings under the roof eaves! So check out next door neighbours' trees and vegetation before you buy a property.

Two large hanging pots of Burro's Tail. Extremely heavy those pots. I think at least one of them was a repot as the original broke with the weight of the heavy plant and soil ! They grow very easily. No effort once you've placed them (no need to stick into soil or even provide layer to cover them!) into a pot and hung it aside and arranged for regular watering which I provided via connections to the garden's water reticulation system.

The Burro's Tails are very sensitive to touch and clothes brushing them when we walked too close caused the little 'anaks' to drop off and get crushed underfoot. We simply picked or swept them up and dropped them into other hanging pots nearby. Gave away numerous little pots of Tails to admirers.

This is one of the many citrus trees; a Grapefruit. The fruits are hugmongous, juicy and beautiful. Unfortunately they were neither sweet nor sour.

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