Swan Lake

Here's what the House turned out to be. These were shot in 2006.

The front beds of lillies are still there; large White and Blue. The best display of lillies on the street, really.

That's a native tree - a Eucalypt - beside the letterbox, that was being removed as it was getting too big to be easily managed by me. It was about 10 metres in height and pruning the crown gave me a bad neck for weeks each time. Ah Lim the weekend contractor (he works in the Hort Dept of the local Council) cut the trunk to ground level one day, together with some huge root pruning, using a chainsaw! of the roadside Plane Tree.

Aarrgh! he nicked an underground water pipe that was part of the reticulation system. That had to be repaired by another Malaysian migrant. Very reasonable rate he charged; I think it was $45 for a 'come, parts and do' job. Total Eden quoted me $30 to come and check, $30 per half hour labour, and extra for parts. Overall it said the cost would be about $110.

Right, the orange stick, it's of metal actually, is The Bus Stop sign! No joking!

It seems, according to neighbour Mr Leong opposite that the BS was in fact more to the right of our driveway but was moved by the building contractor of Roger's house and didn't move it back. It wasn't a problem to us so we didn't inform the bus company to re-site it back to original spot.

Those are not burglar bars in the master bedroom window. They are the vertical venetian blinds. Cheapest shades provided in all new houses.

The arbor in front of the entry porch seems like a roof without tiles. Jerry a friend's 10 year old asked "where's the roof?"

Just under the topmost eave (the white box) is the security alrm's siren and blue light flasher, on the left-most column is a sensor-activated wall light. Latter is regularly affected by roadside tree's branches on windy days.

OK, the overhead branches are from the roadside Plane Tree. A very bad choice as the flowers cause asthma and all such throat and nose ailments. The leaves are large though and no problem to air vents of cars. But were they a real problem every autumn and winter! They fill your garden a foot thick! That particular one had to be pruned often of the lower branches which affected the two Golden Pines. The local council has never come prune the trees and most home owners had to do the job as the lower braanches do obstruct the roadside footpath.

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